

Project 2003

Nursing Home SOPHIE art direction

The With You Group and Incorporated Medical Institution Junkei-kai Art Project planned to support nursing home Sophie resident’s efforts to maintain ties to society, have independent life within society and enjoy improved quality of life. Defining our basic tenet of mental care for residents as a solution for social isolation, we provided art project as a medium for them to communicate with society. We planned a community hall in the Sophie entry area that will serve as a bridgehead to society. The community hall is open to public and visitors can appreciate the installation artwork by Richard Long.

<Akita Waterfall Line>

My work is about nature.
Most important element of “Akita Waterfall Line” is water.
Together with the oxygen, water in one of the most important elements on our planet.

There are three types of nature in this work.
One is the nature of human energy of speed of my hand.
Next is the nature of water, liquidity of the mud.
Last is the nature of the gravity.

I make the top half of the work and the nature does the rest.
I make the line and the gravity makes splashes.

One characteristic of all my mud works is the contrast between the overall image and the micro details.
In the splashes, there is cosmic variety. Cosmic variety is one big feature of nature.
For example, clouds, snowflakes, finger prints, rivers, waterfalls, which never repeat.

(Comments of Richard Long during his stay in Akita)

Location Nursing Home Sophie, 14-42 Mukaiyama, Shogunno, Akita City, Akita 0110935 Japan
Tel 018 845 8411
Link http://www.jkk-sotohp.or.jp/sophie/index.html
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