

Art Project Management

Art Project Management

When enterprises and autonomous communities establish public art, they need the experties support for selection of artists, project planning, administration, and budget management.
We endeavor to provide the art project management service with high quarity and ease amassed through experiences and actual achevement.

Foundation of Art Museum, Operation, and Management

Establishing and operating art museum requires high-professional skills because the art museums are Art Hall of Fame.
However, there are not negligible number of art museums that established slough over expertness. As a result, those art museums get to grips with the problems of operation. Many of those problems can be resoluted by acceepting the experties advice.
Even though employees might be licensed museum attendant, there is no meaning if they do not have enough experiment.
We endeavor to provide the service of establishing art museums by providing the know-how of operation of art museum. We also endeavor to provide the support of operation by introducing the museum attendants with a lot of experience.

Planning of Exhibition

Art exhibitions are held everywhere such as art museum, autonomous community, public space, and enterprise. Holding the art exhibition requires not only art collections themselves but also proessional planning ability, negotiation ability, and operation ability.
We endeavor to provide the services to hold the art exhibition such as negotiation with artists and/or owners of art collections, strike out the idea of project, operation, and negociation of copyright.

Advicing collections formation

The group of belonging arts are called "collection." Collecting the "collections" based on the clear concept strategically, those "collection" will have additional value. Thereby, company-specific exhibition or exhibition at the art museum can send out the powerful messages.
We endeavor to provide the strategic advice for formation of collection.

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