

Art Asset Management

Investigation of Art Collection

It is difficult to research about art collections even though the owners. In fact, many of the owners only have a bit information they got from vendors when they bought the art collections.
You can make art collections worthwhile through how you desterilize them including exhibition.
We support not only making art collection ledgers, but also investigating those art collections, condition research, and assessing actual values of art collections by expertise attendants.
Then we endeavor to provide the scheme of various way to own the art collections by the result of the investigation.

Assessment of Actual Value

You have to analyse various data of the works of art in the market to calculate the actual value.

  • ・Movement of art collections in market from home to abroad
  • ・General value of the painter in market
  • ・Motif searching and the condition of the works
We bring up the fair actual value, that is assumed the average of the reselling at the market, refer to the data of art collection secondary market at home and abroad from a neutral position as consulting corporation.

Assessment of Insurance

It is important how the art collections are stored and maintained the condition when you own them.
Owners usually insure against fire, damage and/or loss, especially the art collection value is more than one million yen.
There are various contractual coverages of insurance but it is usually partial coverage unless the art collection total loss. The insurance generally covers only the cost of repairment for the partial damage and mold.
In addition, there are price discrepancy between book value and current value in many cases. Therefore, owned art collections should be regularly assessed and adequate insurance should be used for them.
We endeavor to provide the advice about the art collection insurance.

Assessment of Inheritance

Assessment of inherence has to be done by the obligation of tax system. It is different between assessment of inheritance and others, such as assessment of actual value and assessment of insurance.
Accession tax has to be declared within 10 months after the owner's death. Accession tax is imposed to every asset therefore art collection is not exceptional. Total appraised amount of all assets including art collections has to be calculated. At that time, actual value is needed. All the art collections owned by individual are researched and calculated the current value, and then accession tax is imposed to the total amount of the current value of assets. Institute who formally operate the assessment of inherence like our company is recognized as expertise, and they are expected to provide their opinions.
We offer the advice about the assessment of inheritance.

Art collection Management

We get many inquiries that the owners have less idea how to custody art collections. There are various significant matters to handle the art collections such as optimal temperature, environment of display, and database of art collections management.
We offer the idea of the way of display at art museum, which is expertise of art collection , and the concept of having the custody art collections by application administration system.

Art Collection Sales Agency

We are neither bloggers nor art dealers of art collections. Hence, we do not purchase the art collections from somebody and resale them like a dealing service. Because the way we see it, the relation between the position of seller and client could bring in a conflict of interest.
We become client's argent when the client is willing to purchase the art collection. Then, we provide the service of investigation of the market and mediation service as argent of the client. We preserve the client's benefit.

Strategic Effective Utilization of Art Collections

One of the big differences between art collections and other assets is art collection can be displayed which is the advantage of it. The owned art collections can make a difference by the way of effective display. In addition, art collections are usually non-profit assets but income return could be provided in some cases. Also, it could be contributed to the cash flow through use of tax system.
We endeavor to offer the scheme of advantage of owning the art assets to a maximum extent.

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