Project:Floating time, a hospice project
Size:306.4 × 229.5 cm room installation
Material:Computers, CG software, Liquid crystal projector
Size:306.4 × 229.5 cm room installation
Material:Computers, CG software, Liquid crystal projector
This work “Floating Time V1-02” is a project where hospice patients freely set the number of numerals, background colors, and each of the numeral colors and counting speeds to create their own works.The patients are linked for “eternity” through their activities to create a space of works, “Floating Time”. I only help the patients with their link to “eternity”. Patients enjoy these “lively times”. The world created by these “lively times” informs us of the significance of “a life of lively times”.
-Tatsuo Miyajima, March 2000